News Archive
Congratulations to Diba Mirza on being awarded The Distinguished Teaching Award!
Congratulations to Lia Yeh, an undergraduate Computer Science student at UCSB for being recently selected for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)!
Congratulations to Yunkai Zhang, a fourth year undergraduate student at UCSB for being recently selected for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)!
Maiyya has recently been selected for the 2020 Google Fellowship in Structured Data and Database Management as well as the 2020 IBM Fellowship for demonstrating excellence and innovative research proposals.
Congratulations to Colin Unger, an undergraduate Computer Science student at UCSB for being recently selected for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)!
The Augmented Humans (AHs) International Conference celebrates and “emphasizes the move towards technologies that enhance human capabilities beyond the individual and will have the potential for impact on societal scale."
CS Student Advising will suspend in-person advising effective Tuesday March 17 until further notice.
He does it again! Professor William Wang receives the Google Faculty Research Award for 2019 - 2020 - a program focus on supporting world-class technician research in fields such as CS.
Deeksha Dangwal, Weilong Cui, Joseph McMahan, and Tim Sherwood win 2020 IEEE Micro "Top Pick" Award!
Professor Chandra Krintz was featured on the Economist’s weekly science podcast, Babbage, on the topic of “Can the world feed 10bn people by 2050?”.
Professor Richert Wang with colleagues at CSU Chico proposed a project with a vision for a brighter future, Coding Community.
PhD student Tegan Brennan and her advisor Professor Tevfik Bultan, director of Vlab, will report a new type of side-channel that leaks information in modern software systems at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) and the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) this year. S&P and ICSE are named top-tier publication venues in computer security and software engineering research.
DCD Magazine Highlights Professor Wolski and former research faculty member Brevik on the AWS Spot Market
Professor Subhash received the Indian Institute of Technology Distinguished Alumnus Award for 2019 in the category of Academic Excellence!
The National Science Foundation awarded the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) partnering with UCSB and eight collaborating organizations $2.8 million to further develop the concept for a Scalable Cyberinfrastructure Institute for Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (SCIMMA).
Professor Elizabeth Belding and Professor William Wang's research featured on two popular tech media outlets for their work on A Benchmark Dataset for Learning to Intervene in Online Hate Speech.
This paper was published on the Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, (ASPLOS 2019).
This grant will be instrumental in supporting a new data science undergraduate major and developing core courses for data literacy.
The Fourth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) accepted a paper by Professor Rich Wolski & Chandra Krintz.
Professor William Wang featured by IEE on Making AI More Energy Efficient.
The Arm Research Summit offers a unique forum where academics, researchers and industry experts come together to discuss their own projects, discover the latest developments across a wide range of different fields, and make new connections for future collaborative opportunities.
Professor Krintz and Professor Wolski collaborating on the project "Sensing and Lighting for Citrus Under Protective Screens."
Tegan Brennan, a fifth-year PhD student in UC Santa Barbara’s Computer Science Department, recently discovered a new class of vulnerabilities that can lead to information leaks by noting the changes in program behavior that depend on secret information.
Professor William Wang receives the 2019 IBM Faculty award for his research on Information Extraction and Natural Language Processing.
Professor Tevfik Bultan and his collaborators
Professor Corina Pasareanu at Carnegie Mellon University and Professor Koushik Sen at the University of California, Berkeley received a 1.2 million dollar collaborative research grant from the National Science Foundation titled "HUGS: Human-Guided Software Testing and Analysis for Scalable Bug Detection and Repair."
Nevena Golubovic, a Ph.D. student of Professor Chandra Krintz and Rich Wolski, wins best student paper award at IEEE International Congress on the Internet of Things (ICIOT).
Prof. Richert Wang in collaboration with Prof. Phill Conrad, Prof. John Gilbert, Prof. Ben Hardekopf, Prof Yekaterina Kharitonova, Dr. Ziad Matni, and Prof. Diba Mirza of the Computer Science department put forth a proposal for UCSB’s Instructional Improvement Program Grant.
Professor William Wang's deep learning project "Dynamo: Dynamic Multichannel Modeling of Misinformation" was featured in The Current this week!
Dr. Xia Zhou, UCSB Ph.D. Alumna and Associate Professor at Dartmouth College, was recently the recipient of two significant awards: the ACM SIGMOBILE's RockStar award and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
With a heavy heart, the Computer Science Department announces the passing of one of our Professor Emeriti, Alan Konheim.
The Department of Computer Science End-of-Year Awards Ceremony 2018-19 was held on Friday, June 14.
The UCSB Department of Computer Science was proud to host an Undergraduate Research Poster Session on June 13, 2019.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently funded a project titled, “Collaborative Research: Exploring Brownfield Programming Assignments in Undergraduate Computing Education,” which is being conducted by Dr. Phill Conrad in collaboration with colleagues from Washington State University and Humboldt State University.
Andries van Dam, UCSB CS Advisory Board member and Professor at Brown University, has recently been awarded the 2019 Distinguished Educator Award by SIGGRAPH.
Second-year undergraduate student, Zizhuang Wang, has been awarded the Chancellor’s Award at the College of Creative Studies Commencement ceremony this past weekend.
UCSB Computer Science Ph.D. student, William Eiers, recently received the Outstanding Teaching Assistant (TA) Award from the College of Engineering. Eiers is currently the Lead TA of the Computer Science department and was chosen for this role by Professor Elizabeth Belding.
Chad Spensky, Grad Slam alum and UCSB Computer Science Department Ph.D. Student, presented the first place pitch on behalf of his team Allthenticate at the 2019 TMP New Venture Competition (NVC).
The UCSB Natural Language Processing (NLP) group, directed by Computer Science Professors William Wang, are the new recipients of a Google Gift award to be used towards “Vision-Language Navigation with Self-Supervised Learning.”
Professor Lingqi Yan of the Computer Science department has recently received the 2019 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award from ACM SIGGRAPH.