Special Seminar
CS 595J - Seminar on Secure Search
This seminar will study recent papers on security issues and algorithms for information retrieval and search. First organizational meeting will be on September 28th at 4:30pm in HFH 1152.
CS 595D AI safety and bias in machine learning
CS595D is a graduate computer science seminar that will explore topics
in AI safety and bias in machine learning. These are both fundamental
problems in AI research that have far more questions than answers.
Machine learning is currently deployed all over the world, classifying
data that impacts real people every single day. This year the EU passed
"right to explanation", a law that will take effect in 2018, and will
affect all companies that operate in Europe (yes Google, Facebook, etc).
595I - Manifold Learning Seminar
A weekly seminar focused on Manifold Learning for Machine Learning. The seminar will include an overview of Manifolds as defined in the mathematical field of topology. Some of the seminar papers will be presented. The rest of the quarter will be used to present current or widely cited papers of interest to the group.
595D: Statistical Learning Theory
After their very popular undergraduate-run CCS course on
Natural Language Processing, Daniel Spokoyny and Jeremy Irvin
will continue exploring their area of interest by reading central
papers on Statistical Learning Theory.
The organizational meeting will be on 4pm, Tuesday March 29 in
Phelps 3526.
All students are welcome.
595N Seminar on information retrieval
This seminar will study research papers on information retrieval and web search papers.
595B Seminar on Large-Scale Information Systems
This seminar will study recent research papers in large-scale information systems and services. The topic includes large-scale web and cloud systems and algorithms for online services/storage, data mining/serving, and computing.
595D - Public and Private Knowledge in Life Cycle Assessment
Firms, trade associations, and governments all have various occasions to make assertions to the public about the environmental performance of their operations or products, such as an environmental product declaration, a labeling claim, or a sustainability report. In most or all of these cases, knowledge of private information is required to support or validate the assertion. Without this knowledge, public confidence in the assertion is limited by the public's trust in the entity making the claim.
Recent readings in computer architcture and embedded systems. Students
will read and present papers from the past 2 years of work in the field
including ISCA, Micro, ASPLOS, and conferences associated with Embedded
Systems Week.
595J - Introduction to Graduate School in Computer Science
Welcome to graduate school! You’ve made it! Now that you’re here, this seminar is an opportunity for you to take a step back and figure out what this grad school thing is all about and how you can be successful.