CS 595J - Seminar in Computer systems research at UCSB

This seminar will be in the form of work-in-progress sessions (WIPS). Each meeting will be an hour long session in which a student working in the area of computer systems will present their research work and get feedback from other students and faculty. Each presentation will be roughly 25-30 minutes; the remaining time will be used for questions and discussion. If you interested in research in the area of computer systems, then you will benefit from attending and participating in this seminar.

CS 594 - Unconscious Memory and the Human Mind (Part I)

This course brings the intensively researched area of human memory in neuroscience (and, within this, the field of unconscious memory) together with the rich elaborations of the unconscious in the world literary archive and with new cognitive models emerging from the accelerating field of artificial intelligence. By situating key neuroscientific findings on ‘unconscious memory’ within cross-cultural representations of memory in the world literary archive, it will introduce students to the dynamical relations between brain, body and culture.



CS 293S: Internet of Things

Course Description: In this course students learn basics about the Internet of Things, what it is, why this is happening now and a number of important software platforms, protocols (e.g. MQTT or CoAP) as well as important application verticals such as smart city, eHealth and smart agriculture.
Area: Systems

CS 292F: Quantum Information and Quantum Computation

This course gives an 
introduction to quantum computing with an emphasis on the computer science part of the field. 
Topics that will be covered are: elementary quantum mechanics, quantum information, quantum gates and circuits, quantum circuit complexity, teleportation, quantum cryptography, Shor's quantum algorithm for factoring integers and discrete logarithms, Grover's quantum searching algorithm, lower bounds in quantum computation, and the future of the field