Ultimate Champions

Last week, the CS Department Ultimate Frisbee team, “I’m Feeling
Lucky”, captured its third UCSB intramural championship. The
intramural league consists of 8 competitive teams from around the UCSB
campus. Matches were played weekly throughout the Fall quarter,
culminating in the finals last Friday.
The department’s ultimate team has been playing together for more than
four years now. What once started as a casual group of grads looking
for a relaxing break from work has spawned into a competitive force on the
UCSB intramural circuit. Over the years, the team has added athletes
from around the department and beyond, has undergone extensive
training from the UCSB ultimate elite, and has maintained a consistent
practice schedule to hone their skills. The team is very proud to
bring home another victory to the department, and is now looking
forward to the Winter quarter to defend its title.