Professors Krintz and Zhao receive NSF CAREER Awards

Two young faculty members, Chandra Krintz and Ben Zhao, received the
National Science Foundation Early Career Development (CAREER) award in
2006. CAREER awards, given to future academic leaders, are the
foundation’s most prestigious grants for young teacher-scholars. The
awards provide support for research in the amount of $400K-$480K for a
five-year period.
Prof. Krintz’s award is titled “VIVA – Vertically Integrated
VirtualiaAtion: Automatic, Full System, Specialization for High-End
Computing.” VIVA is a comprehensive research plan that includes dynamic
compiler and runtime techniques that adaptively specialize
the software stack of a system according to the changing needs
of the application and resource performance.
Prof. Zhao’s award is titled “GAIA: A Self-organizing, Self-healing
Network Infrastructure.” This work proposes to protect large-scale
overlay networks through the use of both proactive security measures
such as reputation systems and reactive measures such as probabilistic
attack detection and defense. The self-repairing Gaia overlay provides
a robust infrastructure for Internet-scale distributed applications.
More information about these projects can be found at the PIs’ research
lab websites:
Laboratory for Research on Adaptive Computing Environments (RACELab)
CURRENT: Laboratory for Secure and Reliable Networking