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Computer Science graduating seniors have chosen CS Professor Rich Wolski as “Outstanding Faculty Member.” In addition to teaching the department's Operating Systems course here at UCSB, Dr. Wolski is co-founder of Eucalyptus Systems, Inc.  He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California at Davis (while a research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), and previously has held positions at the University of California, San Diego, and the University of Tennessee, the San Diego Supercomputer Center and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.  Rich has led several national scale research efforts in the area of distributed systems and is the progenitor of the Eucalyptus open source cloud project.

Expressing surprise at receiving this year's award, Professor Wolski commented, "I'm deeply honored. Teaching one of the required courses that CS majors tend to dread, the Operating Systems course, their appreciation expressed in this way is as unexpected as it is rewarding. Our graduating seniors are truly impressive and I'm flattered that they feel I may have played some role in their future successes."

Professor Wolski will receive his award at this year’s Senior Send-Off.