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Looking to make cybersecurity history, Prof. Giovanni Vigna and his team of UCSB computer science graduate students known as Shellphish, are competing at the 24th annual DEF CON (short for defense condition) hacking conference in Las Vegas, August 4-7. In an event called the Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC), Shellphish is one of seven teams attempting to prove its software and strategy can out maneuver bad-guy hackers. DEF CON is one of the world's largest annual hacker conventions. To qualify for the CGC, contenders battled it out against more than 100 other teams around the country in two preliminary contests. Shellphish was successful in advancing to the final round. Up for grabs at the Las Vegas takedown is a $4 million grand prize, and bragging rights. 

Prof. Vigna is featured in an article by Yahoo Finance Technology Editor Daniel Howley. Read the full story here