Linda Petzold named SIAM Fellow

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) recently
announced the SIAM Fellows Class of 2009 and the inauguration of the
SIAM Fellows Program. The SIAM fellowship is an honorific designation
conferred on members distinguished for their outstanding contributions
to the fields of applied mathematics and computational science. During
this inaugural year of the program, SIAM confers Fellows status on 183
noteworthy professionals, who will be recognized during the 2009 SIAM
Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado.
Linda Petzold, professor at the Computer Science Department at UC
Santa Barbara, is among the first SIAM Fellows. She is honored for
“contributions to numerical ordinary differential equations and
differential-algebraic equations and computational science.” For more
details about the SIAM Fellows Program, please check out this page.
Congratulations Linda!