Dr. Martin Holoien passed away on July 18, 2014. Marty had a long association with the Department. He joined as a Lecturer back in early 80's when the department consisted of only eight faculty members. He moved from Minnesota after a distinguished career as Chair of the Department of Computer Science at Moorhead State College (now Moorhead State University) and Director of its Computer Center. He published several computer science textbooks and taught many different courses at UCSB including introductory courses for computer science and for engineering students.

Professor Emeritus Alan Konheim who joined the department at the same time as Martin recalls "that at that time I needed to expand my limited teaching repertoire and brush up on software oriented subjects. I had never managed to master the IBM 360 Assembly Language while at IBM Yorktown, but I thought this might be an avenue to pursue. In the midst of adjusting to life in Santa Barbara and becoming Chair, I sat in on Marty Holoien's lectures on assembly language, hoping to avoid inflicting my bad programming habits on future students when called to teach it. Marty was a patient and wonderful teacher." 

"He was always smiling and an excellent teacher,'' Professor Singh recalled. Professor El Abbadi added "Indeed a very gentle soul. I have fond memories of Marty.'' Professor Gonzalez, who attended Marty's memorial service, said "He had such a wonderful family, a group of great friends throughout his life, and an unwavering faith. It is clear why he was always smiling.''

Marty’s obituary appears online here. The Department of Computer Science as well as generations of CS students will miss him dearly.