Congratulations 2023 CS Undergraduate Awardees

Congratulations to our 2023 CS Undergraduate awardees, who were recognized at the 2023 CS Award Ceremony this past Friday, June 16th.
Computing Research Association’s Outstanding Researcher Award Honorable Mention
Anisha Kabir – Honorable Mention
Advisor: William Wang
This prestigious award program recognizes undergraduate students in North American colleges and universities who show outstanding research potential in an area of computing research.
Anisha started in research through the Early Research Scholars Program, working in Natural Language Processing. Her team's paper, "Mitigating Covertly Unsafe Text within Natural Language Systems" was published in EMNLP 2022.
Barry Goldwater National Scholarship and Excellence in Education
Marianne Arriola
Advisor: Ambuj Singh
The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation was established by Congress in 1986 to serve as a living memorial to honor the lifetime work of Senator Barry Goldwater.
Marianne was selected as one of 417 undergraduate student recipients across the nation.
“The Goldwater scholarship reinforced my goal to obtain a PhD.”
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Marianne Arriola
Advisor: Ambuj Singh
The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) 5-year fellowship seeks to ensure the quality, vitality, and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States.
Marianne Arriola is a Computing student in the College of Creative Studies (CCS) and a UCSB CSEP research intern. Her research interests are in computational biology, data mining, applied machine learning, and dynamical systems modeling.
UCSB Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research
Matthew Ho
Advisor: William Wang
Presented to four distinguished undergraduate researchers each year at UCSB, intended to honor exemplary contributions to research in their discipline.
Research contribution: started research via Early Research Scholars Program (ERSP) in natural language processing (NLP) and with NLP research group. Research paper was accepted by the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) in 2023 and presented his work at the event.
UCSB 2023 University Award of Distinction
Doris Wei
This award is presented annually to graduating students in recognition of excellence and who have made an outstanding contribution to a particular area of UCSB student life and community activities.
College of Engineering Outstanding Senior Award
Nicholas Brown
This award is presented annually by the College to the graduating senior(s) with the highest cumulative grade point average from each degree program.
College of Engineering Hynes-Wood Award
Shivani Sista
This award is presented annually by the Engineering Student Council in recognition of outstanding contributions to student activities in the College of Engineering.
Computer Science Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award
Marianne Arriola
Advisors: Ambuj Singh
This award is presented annually in recognition of outstanding contributions, and sustained commitment and excellence in research contributions.
Marianne has focused on computational biology and deep learning for 3D vision and has made contributions in the space of machine learning for graphs. After graduation, she will join Cornell University's PhD program.
Computer Science Outstanding Mentor Award
Zackary Glazewski
Bryan Zamora Flores
This award is presented in recognition of outstanding and sustained teaching and mentorship.
Computer Science Student of the Year
Shivani Sista
Advisor: Michael Beyeler
This award is presented annually in recognition of outstanding leadership, excellence in academics and research, and performing “above and beyond the call of duty” when engaging with students and the CS community.
Shivani is an Engineering Honors student, and her participation includes: President of UCSB Society of Women Engineers (SWE), CS Early Research Scholar Program (ERSP), CS Bionic Vision Lab (Research), and UCSB Pops Orchestra (violin)
After graduating in 2024, plans to either attend medical school or pursue a graduate degree involving research in the medical and bioengineering fields.