Course Type
Course Area
Enrollment Code
Phelps 3526
Day and Time
T/R 3-4:50pm
Course Description

In this course, we will examine upcoming user interface technologies that will impact how we interact with our devices and digital content in the future. These include: immersive technologies (augmented and virtual reality), physiological interfaces (e.g., brain and body interfaces), wearable computing (e.g., devices both for reading and writing data to the user's body), multisensory and multimodal interactions in mixed, augmented and virtual realities (e.g., spatial audio, body movement), haptics (e.g., force feedback, sensing weight, feeling textures), and others. Students will work on a group VR project. In the pre-covid era, we used the Oculus Quest devices but that may change for Spring'21 along with the syllabus.

Programming experience in Python/C#/C++ is required. Experience with Unity is great but not required. Last year's course website: https://sites.cs.ucsb.edu/~sra/fui.html