Faculty Reference
Elizabeth M. Belding
Course Type
HFH 1132
Day and Time
Wednesday 2 - 3:30pm
Course Description

Calling all graduating PhD students pursuing an academic position!  This 595J course will help you prepare for your academic job search.  We will discuss the application process, interviews, and job talks.  We will go over how to write a good research and teaching statement.  We will talk about what to look for in an academic department, and what sorts of questions to ask during your interview.  In the second half of the quarter, you will get the opportunity to practice your job talk in front of the class for feedback.
All graduating PhD students who want help with their academic job hunt should plan to enroll.  The course is also open to advanced PhD students who are considering an academic position, who are within about 1.5 years of graduation.
See you on October 3rd!