News Archive
We are pleased to announce that the UCSB team, called “Shellphish”, won the
“Capture The Flag” competition at DEFCON. The team was led by Professor
Giovanni Vigna from the Department of Computer Science and was mostly composed
of Computer Science graduate students.
Tim Sherwood, an Assistant Professor in Computer Science, received the early Career award from the National Science Foundation to fund his research on high speed architectures for online security analysis. The research focus is in building specialized computer processors that are engineered to sort through suspicious packets, and developing new algorithms for hardware string matching.
Along with HP Labs, Princeton, George Mason U. and U. C. Berkeley and industrial partners, Assistant Professor Ben Zhao received a DARPA funding for a proposal to improve reliability of TCP/IP in rugged and lossy environments. The project includes both hardware and software routing components, where the software routing layer is based on Ben’s ongoing work on resilient routing using peer-to-peer overlay networks. With options, the proposal lasts for 3.5 years with total funding of $6.5M. HP Press release here.
Assistant Professor Chandra Krintz was one of ten top compiler and programming language researchers world-wide selected by Microsoft Research as a funded participant in the Microsoft Phoenix Project. As part of the project, Chandra and her research group, the RACELab, will investigate state-of-the-art program profiling and adaptive compiler and runtime optimization for the Microsoft .Net Framework.
The Computer Engineering Program is soliciting applications for a faculty position in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department. Details may be found here.