Lise Getoor (CS Dept Professor & Director of the Data, Discovery and Decisions (D3) Data Science Research Center at the University of California, Santa Cruz) Given Distinguished Alumnus Award - Undergraduate Student
Lawton Nichols Given Department of Computer Science Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
Arthur Gatin, Jacqueline Mai, & Jared Flores given Excellence in Mentoring Award
Keval Desai (Engineer, Entrepreneur & Investor) Given Distinguished Alumnus Award - Graduate Student
Weilong Cui Selected for Outstanding Publication Award: Estimating and Understanding Architectural Risk, Appeared in: MICRO’17
Scott Chow given Outstanding Mentor Award
Shiyu Ji selected for Outstanding Publication Award - Efficient Interaction-based Neural Ranking with Locality Sensitive Hashing Privacy- aware Ranking with Tree Ensembles on the Cloud, Appeared in: SIGIR’18
Dana Nguyen (MOMENT Lab) Given Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award
Tegan Brennan, Mai ElSherief, and Sujaya Maiyya selected for Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Prince Wang given Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research
Margaret Schmit given College of Engineering Hynes-Wood Award
Hyun-Bum (Danny) Cho selected as College of Engineering Outstanding Senior
Ph.D. Student, Chad Spensky, Presents First Place Pitch for the 2019 TMP New Venture Competition
Lingqi Yan Given Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award from ACM SIGGRAPH
Business Officer Greta Carl-Halle Presented Kevin McCauley Outstanding Staff Award
Mariya Zheleva given NSF Career Award
Mariya Zheleva given University of Albany Presidential Award for Exemplary Community Engagement
Lingqi Yan Received Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award at ACM SIGGRAPH 2019
Yu-Xiang Wang Received AISTATS Notable Paper Award
Arpit Gupta Given Honorable mention at ACM SIGCOMM Doctoral Dissertation Awards
Tim Sherwood & ArchLab Paper Receives Best Paper Award at the 24th ACM International Conference on ASPLOS
2nd Place Capstone - High Voltage Society - Brian Humphreys, Andrew Mark Laux, Siddharth Malik, Ram Malyala, & David Roster
3rd Place Capstone - Pretty Little Leetcoders - Aryaman (Arvan) Das, Etgar (Eric) Freilafert, Sung (Sam) Kim, Nikhil Patil, Yuyang (Ethan) Su
1st Place Capstone - DROP TABLE TEAMS - Michael Amalfitano, Jake Guida, Artem Jivotovski, Cole Margerum, Isaac Zinman
Xia Zhou given SIGMOBILE RockStar Award
Tao Yang Given Google Faculty Research Award
Chandra Krintz Received PacBiz Awards: Central Coast Innovation Award for Technology (AppScale)
Christo Wilson Awarded Sloan Research Fellowship
Elizabeth Belding Named ACM Fellow
Saiph Savage named in MIT Technology Review’s Innovators Under 35 List in Latin America
PhD Student Semih Yavuz receives Best Paper Award at NeurIPS 2018 Workshop
Fish Wang awarded DARPA CHESS program $11.7 million grant
Graduate Student Nevena Golubovic Named Peter J Frenkel Foundation Fellow 2018-2019
Wenhu Chen & NLP Lab Receive Donation from Tencent AI Lab for work on “Cross-Lingual and Open-World Task-Oriented Dialogue Schema Induction and Generation"
Gianluca Stringhini given Best Paper Award at IMC 2018
Linda Petzold GIven IEEE Sidney Fernbach Award
William Wang Receives DARPA Young Faculty Award
Yu Feng Given PLDI Distinguished Paper Award