Report ID
Report Authors
M. Riedewald, D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, and R. Pajarola
Report Date
Data cubes provide aggregate information to support the analysis of thecontents of data warehouses and databases. An important tool to analyze datain data cubes is the range query. For range queries that summarize largeregions of massive data cubes, computing the query result on the fly can resultin non-interactive response times (e.g. in the order of minutes). To speed uprange queries, values that summarize regions of the data cube are pre-computedand stored. This faster response time results in more expensive updates and/orspace overhead. While the emphasis is typically on low query and update costs,growing data collections increase the demand for space-efficient approaches.In this paper two techniques are presented that have the same update and querycosts as earlier approaches, without introducing any space overhead.
2000-05.ps406.56 KB