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Hae Don Chon, Divy Agrawal, and Amr El Abbadi
Report Date
Information management for advanced transportation systems is significantly complex, since it requires maintaining dynamically changing information associated with moving objects.Updating current locations of moving objects every time they move is not a realistic solution. In this paper, we investigate the problem and provide a data model with which we can store, index, and retrieve future locations of moving objects in an efficient manner.Each moving object has four independent variables which allow us to predict its future location: a starting location, a destination, a starting time, and an initial velocity. To understand the underlying complexity of the problem, we investigate and categorize the configurations where only one or two variables can vary. Based on that understanding, we choose a configuration which is to some extent restrictive, but still can be used in a wide variety of realistic settings. After developing a data model, we conduct performance study and show that our model has much less overhead in processing range queries compared to other proposed approaches.
2000-21.ps325.84 KB