Course Type
Course Area
Enrollment Code
**HFH 1132**
Day and Time
MW 9:00a-10:50a
Course Description

Enterprise systems are large-scale software applications to support
business operations; they typically include software systems for data
management, business process/workflow management, information flows,
reporting, and data analytics.  Focusing only the data management
aspect, a typical enterprise has to struggle with many data
integration difficulties, since its data are usually spread around
many database systems, workflow systems, file systems, etc. and in a
variety of form possibly with no coherent semantics. In this course,
we plan to discuss some fundamental data modeling and manipulation
techniques that will be useful in tackling these data integration
problems.  Topics covered include conjunctive queries, Datalog, data
integration frameworks (GAV, LAV, GLAV), data exchange formalisms,
views and updates.