CCS/CS undergraduate student Daniel Spokoyny has won a 2017 NSF Fellowship in CS / Machine Learning. There were only 13 students awarded in the CS/ ML category this year, and they came from prestigious institutions such as MIT, Berkeley, Yale, and Princeton. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based Master's and doctoral degrees at accredited United States institutions.

Commented Assistant Professor William Wang, "Daniel has been working with me on WikiReading and Generative Adversarial Networks since Fall quarter, and he has also worked with Prof. Fermín Moscoso del Prado Martín on other projects in computational linguistics. Daniel will be headed to the School of Computer Science at my alma mater, Carnegie Mellon University, for his PhD – the same program that I graduated from!”