UCSB received a Chamber of Commerce Business Star Award

Professors Richard Kemmerer and Giovanni Vigna, and associate professor Christopher Kruegel from UCSB received a Chamber of Commerce Business Star Award at Santa Barabara. This award is traditionally presented to an individual who has made a significant innovative contribution to positively impacting our world. Past winners include university chancellors, Nobel laureates, architects, researchers and inventors. This quarter’s Innovation award is presented to Professors Richard Kemmerer and Giovanni Vigna, and associate professor Christopher Kruegel from UCSB. A worldwide botnet investigation is only one of several projects UC Santa Barbara’s Computer Security Group has undertaken over the last several years in its quest to make the cyberworld a safer place. Others include the development of Web sites that examine the veracity of suspicious Web programs or Web pages, and a study of electronic voting machines and their vulnerability to election-altering attacks. These professors are clearly making our world a safer place.
Ref: http://www.edhat.com/site/tidbit.cfm?id=1400&nid=28672
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