UCSB to Host Another Top Conference on Cryptography

Since 1981, every year in August, UCSB is home to Crypto, the premier
conference on cryptography. For Crypto, nearly 400 cryptographers from
around the world gather at UCSB to introduce new cryptographic
algorithms and protocols, or methods to break previously introduced
ones. Equally important, there is CHES, the conference on
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems. At this yearly event,
cryptographic engineers meet to discuss hardware and software
realizations of cryptographic algorithms and protocols. The methods
developed and introduced at CHES are used in our cell phones, PDAs,
and computers, providing the security and authentication functions
needed for such devices.
CHES was co-founded in 1999 by Cetin Koc, an alumnus of UCSB who is
currently a visiting professor at the Department of Computer Science
and the College of Creative Studies. CHES typically switches between
Europe, Asia, and North America. As a permanent member of the CHES
steering committee, Prof. Cetin Koc has made a proposal to the
committee to co-locate CHES with Crypto to host these two premiere
conferences in a single event at UCSB. The CHES steering committee has
recently decided in favor of this proposal. Thus, we are happy to
announce that the Crypto and CHES conferences will be held together in
a first-time, one-week event in August 2010 at UC Santa Barbara. This
provides researchers in the overlapping areas of theory and practice
of cryptography a unique opportunity to meet and discuss at our