Congratulations to Capstone 2016-17 Senior Project 1st Place winners Tres Commas! Team members Jonathan Easterman (lead), Carson Holoien, Vince Nicoara, Shasha Shams, Arda Ungun, and Vince Nicoara were mentorerd by industry partner Invoca, represented by Mike Weaver and Colin Kelley. Their winning project titled Voice Biometrics Integration, utilized easy-to-deploy automated voice authentication to speed-up the authentication process for call centers of any size.  

2nd Place: Team Novatooth, mentored by industry partner Novacoast
3rd Place: Team Care, mentored by InTouch Health

A special note of thanks to our awesome industry partners Invoca, Novacoast, and InTouch Health for their mentorship time and expertise.

About Capstone Senior Projects
Student groups design a significant computer-based project. Groups work independently with interaction among groups via interface specifications and informal meetings. Learn more here.