Subhash Suri recognized as IIT Distinguished Alumnus

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Professor Subhash Suri recognized as one of two recipients of the Indian Institute of Technology Distinguished Alumnus Award for 2019 in the category of Academic Excellence. Prof. Suri is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. Prof. Suri’s research work has received exceptional recognition from his peer group by being cited close to 20000 times. At UCSB, Prof. Suri directs the Applied Algorithms Lab and the Center for Geometric Computing with a mission to develop fundamental geometric and network algorithms of broad applicability. Building on his combinatorial auctions research, he has co-founded the e-sourcing company CombineNet whose software drives the procurement of goods and services of several Fortune 500 companies. He is a Fellow of IEEE, ACM and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). For more information, please click here.