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Leading by example. That's the theme of "Dreaming Big," an article in The UCSB Current featuring the work of four UCSB College of Engineering professors whose classroom teachings address not only UCSB students, but global issues as well.

Computer Science professors Elizabeth Belding, Chandra Krintz, and Rich Wolski in addition to Electrical and Computer Engineering professor John Bowers, have patiently devoted time, research, and resources to transform their respective visions into reality.

"They have worked at odd hours and in diverse locations — African villages, California farms and Native American reservations — to bring modern technology to those who otherwise might not reap its benefits. With assistance from UCSB students — graduate and undergraduate — and working with research partners and nonprofit organizations, these engineers practice altruism in ways that have produced affordable lights, sustainable farming tools and broader Wi-Fi access in remote rural areas."

Read the full story here.