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Members of UCSB's Four Eyes Lab, including PhD students Chris Sweeney and Benjamin Nuernberger and Professors Matthew Turk and Tobias Höllerer were recently awarded the IEEE ISMAR best short paper award for their paper entitled Efficient Computation of Absolute Pose for Gravity-Aware Augmented Reality. Their paper presents a simple, intuitive solution for determining what a camera's position and orientation is relative to a 3D object. They use the gravity direction obtained from a device inertial measurement unit (IMU) to reduce the problem to solving a single quadratic equation. Experiments show that their method is faster and more accurate than the current state-of-the-art while having the additional benefit of working for single camera or multi-camera rigs.

ISMAR is the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, which took place in Fukuoka, Japan in September/October.

The paper can be read here.