Kuo and Langton Win Undergrad Programming Battle

The team of Alexander Kuo and Colin Langton won the UCSB Programming Battle, a head to head competition in which UCSB Undergrads program strategies into tiny “bots” over a 5 hour marathon coding session to capture objectives and defeat their opponents. At the end of the 5 hours, the programs play against one another in simulation to discover the wining teams. It was an incredibly close battle this year, with undergrads Bryan Donyanavard and Marc Mendonca tied 1-1 with the eventual champions going into the final round. Special thanks to Ph.D. student Bryce Boe who organized the event, and to Scott Bonebrake, Adam Doupe, and Professor Sherwood for their assistance in getting it set up. You can read more details about the event on the UCSB Programming Battle Web Page