Four Eyes Lab

The students and faculty of the Four Eyes Laboratory presented their research projects to the general audience last Friday, May 29th, and hundreds of interested visitors attended the event. A list of presented projects can be seen at The Open House this year was fully integrated with the Media Arts and Technology End of the Year show "Open Sources". Interactive demonstrations of Four Eyes Lab research projects were shown throughout the second floor of Elings Hall and in the UCSB Allosphere.

Prof. Tobias Höllerer, co-director of the Four Eyes Laboratory, was delighted with the event, noting, "This was a great opportunity to showcase the exceptional research that our lab members have produced over the past year and convey it to a broader audience. The event also highlighted the excellent collaboration between Computer Science and Media Arts and Technology. Our thanks and kudos go to the student organizers of the MATP 'Open Sources' show."

For more about Professor Höllerer and his work, please visit his webpage here.

To learn more about the Four Eyes Lab, go here.



Open House location: Elings Hall, UCSB

Inside the Allosphere

Four Eyes Lab Open House crowd