Department Recognizes Outstanding Graduate Students with New Awards

This year, the department began a new tradition designed to award a few of those students that have gone above and beyond, performing award winning research and acting as departmental citizens of the highest merit. These four were chosen from a highly qualified set of candidates, and the decision process was exceedingly difficult. Ramya Raghavendra and Marco Cova, both continuing students, were noted as “Outstanding Graduate Students” for the 2007-08 academic year. The award for Outstanding Publication of the 2007-08 year went to Sorabh Gandhi for his work on “Approximate Isocontours and Spatial Summaries for Sensor Networks”. The final award, for Outstanding Dissertation, went to Shashi Mysore for his thesis on “Understanding Computer Systems through Online Analysis of Architectural-level Events”. Pictured below (from left to right) are Sorabh, Shashi, Ramya, and Marco.