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A new wireless protocol known as “60 gigahertz” and “WiGig, is more than 10 times faster than current WiFi connectivity. The technology is so fast it may eradicate the need for cable connections between devices such as monitors and printers.

Research, led by UCSB Computer Science Professor Heather Zheng, showed that the new protocol was capable of high-speed connections at 100 meters or more in the outdoors. “I think there’s real potential in certain deployments like a busy intersection or a shopping mall,” says Prof. Ben Zhao, a UCSB Computer Science colleague who worked on the project.

Tech firms such as Apple, Microsoft and Sony are expected to push the new standard this coming year. While a handful of WiGig products are currently available, several companies plan to bring WiGig devices to market by the end of 2015.

Read the full article here.