CS Grad Student wins Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

Ramya Raghavendra, a graduate student in the Computer Science
Department at UC Santa Barbara, wins 2009 Google Anita Borg Memorial
The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship is awarded each year to
female computer science students selected on the basis of academic
excellence and leadership. The scholarships, which carry an award of
$10,000, celebrate the life’s work of the late Anita Borg.
Ramya Raghavendra is a fourth year graduate student working with Prof.
Elizabeth Belding in the area of wireless networking. Her research
spans the areas of measurement of existing wireless network
deployments, developing protocols that improve application performance
and building wireless networks adaptive and self-managed.
Links to the announcement and details about the scholarship can be found here.
Congratulations, Ramya!