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As reported in the latest issue of “The Current,” UCSB has a new Center for Digital Games Research. The newly established center takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study and design of digital media and games. Take, for example, Computer Science Professor Matthew Turk’s Four Eyes Lab. The professor, who is also a faculty member in the campus’s Media Arts and Technology Program, spoke about the relationship, stating, “Our biggest overlap with the center is to introduce new kinds of technologies into the gaming environment — sensing people, understanding their identity, their motion, their activities, and also sensing the world, building models of the world so we can bring the physical space into the gaming scenario. A good example of that is augmented reality. In augmented reality we’re dealing with mixing computer-generated imagery with some sort of display of reality, maybe on a mobile device or a computer screen.”

In addition to Professor Turk, Computer Science Professors Elizabeth Belding, Tobias Höllerer, Ben Zhao and Chandra Krintz are also affiliated with the new center.

Read The Current article here.