COVID-19 Update for Spring 2020

CS Student Advising will suspend in-person advising effective Tuesday March 17 until further notice. Advisors are working from March 17-20 to prepare for the transition to remote delivery of student services, and will open to virtual advising student appointments starting on Monday March 23.
Current CS students may contact us via email: undergrads at or graduate students at Please allow up to 3 business days for a response. We will offer advising appointments via Zoom video or phone. We will not have staff in our physical office, please be sure to reach out to us via email only for an appointment starting on March 23.
Non-majors may also contact us, however we will prioritize and reserve appointments for CS students first. Once available, we will announce our virtual non-major drop-in advising hours and sessions. Info on 'virtually' crashing courses will also be published on this website once available.
General hours remain the same for our staff: Monday-Friday 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm PST. Please note that Friday, March 27 is a Campus Holiday and advising services are unavailable that day. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to serve our students during this time.
** Enrollment update** As of March 17, 2020, waitlisted students should expect to be added to a course only if seats become available. The shift to remote course instruction for Spring quarter will not change our enrollment limits. We are still bound by instructional teaching loads and instructional support (TA/tutor availability). The capacity in each course is determined by multiple variables (not solely the classroom size), including but not limited to:
Classroom size availability
Instructor availability
Instructor teaching load
Instructional support availability (TA/tutor support)
Scalability of the course