Course Type
Course Description

CS 291A: Computer Imaging

Quarter: Spring 2019

Instructor: Matthew Turk

Course area: Applications

Location: Phelp 3526

Day and time: TR 9:00 - 10:50

Enrollment code: 54569

Units: 4

Website: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~mturk/imaging/syllabus.html


CS 292A: Parameterized Algorithms

Quarter: Spring 2019

Instructor: Daniel Lokshtanov

Course area: Foundations

Location: Phelp 2510

Day and time: MW 11:00 - 12:50

Enrollment code: 61028

Units: 4

Website: https://cs.ucsb.edu/~daniello/parameterizedAlgorithmsCourse.html


CS 292F: Quantitative Information Flow and Side Channels

Quarter: Spring 2019

Instructor: Tevfik Bultan

Course area: Foundations

Location: Phelps 2510

Day and time: TR 11:00 - 12:50

Enrollment code: 61036

Units: 4

Website: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~bultan/courses/292/


CS 293G: Computing on encrypted data

Quarter: Spring 2019

Instructor: Trinabh Gupta

Course area: Systems

Location: Phelp 3526

Day and time: MW 9:00 - 10:50

Enrollment code: 54577

Units: 4

Website: https://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~trinabh/classes/s19/index.html


CS 292A: Convex Optimization: Gradient Methods and Online Learning

Quarter: Spring 2019

Instructor: Yu-Xiang Wang

Course area: Foundations

Location: Phelp 3526

Day and time: TR 1:00 - 2:50

Enrollment code: 61101

Units: 4

Website: https://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~yuxiangw/classes/CS292A-2019Spring/


CS 292F: Foundations of Data Modeling

Quarter: Spring 2019

Instructor: Jianwen Su

Course area: Foundations

Location: Phelp 2510

Day and time: TR 9:00 - 10:50

Enrollment code: 61044

Units: 4

Website: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~su/CS292F2019Spring.html




CS 595I: Testing and Verification Techniques for Machine Learning

Quarter: Spring 2019

Instructor: Tevfik Bultan

Course Area: Intelligent and Interactive Systems

Location: HFH 1132

Day and Time: F 1:00 - 2:30 PM

Units: 2

Website: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~bultan/courses/595-S19/


Machine Learning (ML) techniques based on neural networks are increasingly adopted in various application domains, including safety-critical ones. There is an urgent need to develop effective testing and erification approaches that can improve the dependability of systems that rely on ML techniques. In this seminar, we will discuss recent research results on the testing and verification of ML techniques.

CS 595G: Hacking Club Seminar

Quarter: Spring 2019

Instructor: Giovanni Vigna

Course Area: 

Location: HFH 1132

Day and Time: M 3:00 - 4:50 PM

Units: 2



This seminar covers various topics related to vulnerability analysis and hacking. A deep understanding of the details of both the vulnerabilities that make security compromises possible and the countermeasures that are required to detect and block the attacks is a necessary prerequisite to address the ever-changing set of security issues that affect applications, operating systems, and networks. The seminar has a practical emphasis, and it is geared towards learning new tools and techniques in a group setting.


CS 595J - Seminar in Computer systems research at UCSB

Quarter: Spring 2019

Instructor:  Trinabh Gupta

Location: HFH 2158

Day and time: F 2:30 - 3:30

Units: 2

This seminar will be in the form of work-in-progress sessions (WIPS). Each meeting will be an hour-long session in which a student working in the area of computer systems will present their research work and
get feedback from other students and faculty. Each presentation will be roughly 25-30 minutes; the remaining time will be used for questions and discussion. If you are interested in research in the area of computer systems, then you will benefit from attending and participating in this seminar.