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Congratulations to the following recent PhD graduates in the Department of Computer Science:

Chris Bunch
Dissertation: Automated Configuration and Deployment of Applications in Heterogeneous Cloud Environments
Chris worked under the advisement of Prof. Chandra Krintz as part of the Lab for Research on Adaptive Computing Environments (RACELab).

Navraj (Raj) Chohan
Dissertation: Data and Application Management in an Open Cloud Platform
Raj worked under the advisement of Prof. Chandra Krintz as part of the Lab for Research on Adaptive Computing Environments (RACELab).

Shiyuan Wang
Dissertation: Towards Practical Privacy-Preserving Internet Services
Shiyuan worked under the advisement of Prof. Divy Agrawal and Prof. Amr El Abbadi in the Distributed Systems Lab (DSL).

Cha Lee
Dissertation: Mixed Reality Simulation Cha was a member of the Four Eyes Lab and was co-advised by Prof. Tobias Hollerer and Prof. Doug Bowman from Virginia Tech.