Assistant Professor William Wang has been selected to receive the highly competitive IBM Faculty Award for 2017 which, as stated in the IBM Global University Programs award letter, "...recognizes the quality of your program and its importance to our industry."

About the Award
The IBM Faculty Awards is a competitive worldwide program intended to foster collaboration between researchers at leading universities worldwide and those in IBM research, development and services organizations; and to promote curriculum innovation to stimulate growth in disciplines and geographies that are strategic to IBM. Faculty Awards are cash awards granted annually. To qualify for this internationally competitive award, the nominee must be a full-time professor at an accredited university that has a PhD or MBA program in the nominee's field. Candidates must have an outstanding reputation for contributions in their field or, in the case of junior faculty, show unusual promise.

Previous IBM Faculty Award recipients from our department include Professor Christopher Kruegel (2011), Professor Jianwen Su (2007, 2008).  
