Course Type
Course Area
Enrollment Code
Building 387 Rm 104
Day and Time
MW 10:00a-11:50a
Course Description

Image synthesis is the process of generating an image from a scene
description and is one of the fundamental problems in computer graphics.
This course focuses on the theory of image synthesis as applied in modern
film studios today, and covers both high-end scanline rendering algorithms
as well as physically-based rendering systems such as ray tracing and
radiosity methods.

Topics include radiometry, the REYES algorithm and Renderman API,
stochastic ray tracing, the Rendering Equation, Monte Carlo integration,
variance reduction techniques, photon mapping, reflection models,
participating media, subsurface scattering, and advanced algorithms for
light transport.  For class assignments, students will have to program some
of the algorithms discussed in class to generate their own images.
Students are expected to be solid programmers in C/C++ to be successful
in the class.