Dr. Phill Conrad Receives an Award from NSF

By Sandra Dieron, PR Assistant, Computer Science
The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently funded a project titled, “Collaborative Research: Exploring Brownfield Programming Assignments in Undergraduate Computing Education,” which is being conducted by Dr. Phill Conrad in collaboration with colleagues from Washington State University and Humboldt State University. This project aims to serve the national interest by helping undergraduate computer science students develop the soft skills needed for successful careers in software development.
Phill Conrad joined the faculty of the CS Department in January 2008, and in July 2012 was promoted to Lecturer (SOE), a career-oriented position focusing on undergraduate education. Dr. Conrad's focus is the lower-division curriculum, and he is the faculty undergraduate advisor for CS majors. Dr. Conrad has a 50% appointment in UCSB’s College of Creative Studies, whose mission is promoting research and creative activity as part of an undergraduate degree program in one of eight majors (including CS). Dr. Conrad has also served on the Computer Science faculty of the University of Delaware, and Temple University.
To read NSF’s announcement of the award, please click here.