Interest Areas
I am interested in everything from low-level gate effects and logic design all the way through system architecture and applications. If it involves both some sort of hardware and some sort of software, then I am into it. Below is a word-cloud from the abstracts of the papers I have written since joining UCSB to give you a sense, but if you want to know know what I am going to do next you have to talk to me in person!
Some Recent Research Awards
- IEEE Micro Top Pick: For "Tracking Information Flow at the Gate-Level for Secure Architectures" (2009)
- PACT Best Paper Award: For "Quantifying the Potential for Program Analysis Peripheral" (2009)
- CGO Best Paper Award: For "Profiling over Adaptive Ranges". (2006)
- IEEE Micro Top Pick: For "3D-Integration for Introspection" (2006)
- IEEE Micro Top Pick: For "Architectures for Bit-Split String Scanning in Intrusion Detection" (2005)
- IEEE Micro Top Pick: For "Discovering and Exploiting Program Phases" (2004)
- "NSF Career Award: For "Architectural Support for Online Security Analysis" (2004)
A Brief Overview of Some Research
- Line-Rate Network Processing with Guaranteed Performance: Next generation network processing applications, such as deep packet scanning, are throughput-driven, irregular, and bounded by the need for worst-case performance. These characteristics are not well supported by cache-heavy latency-intolerant traditional designs. The architectures we are developing take advantage of many small wide word on-chip memories [netproc], tools that allow network memories to be accurately modeled [tcamjournal, tcampower, srammodel], and careful worst-case latency hiding with virtual pipelines [vpnm, vpnm-journal]. With these techniques we can design machines capable of very rapidly traversing the large graph structures common to many network and security applications. Through a rethinking of one of the key string-searching algorithms and the theory behind it, we have further developed methods that are able to scan network packets 10x faster than prior approaches [string, string1, stringmicro], prove that those algorithms are correct [stringproof, string-journal], and implement those algorithms in a functional hardware prototype [stringtaco].
- Digital MEMS Control Architectures: Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) combine lithographically formed mechanical structures with electrical and computational elements to create physical systems that operate on the scale of microns. Many complex MEMS sensors, such as accelerometers and gyroscopes, require feedback control at the time scale of device oscillation - usually in the sub $\mu$s domain. To enable smaller and more complex MEMS sensors, a programmable platform is needed, one that can handle high-throughput low-overhead event handling without compromising tight size, cost, and power restrictions. To address these concerns our initial prototype hardware was an interleaved multi-threaded AVR processor supporting eight threads [jackknife2] built using our new architectural control synthesis method [jackknife1]. While multi-threading is typically used to improve resource utilization, we demonstrate that in the embedded space it can provide zero-cycle context switching and interrupt service threads (IST), enabling complex programmable control in latency constrained environments. Building on our experience implementing a working controller for a MEMS-based quantum-tunneling accelerometer, we proposed, evaluated, and synthesized both novel control architectures [mems] and metric-based closed-loop control transformations to reduce power consumption [mems2]
- Introspective Computer Architectures: Developing fast, quality software on a modern computer system is by no means easy. Even today, software bugs are so damaging and widespread that they cost the U.S. economy an estimated $59.5 billion annually (more than half a percent of the US GNP). As our applications and software continue to grow in complexity, it is worth considering a processor with built-in support for introspection -- everywhere from the circuits to the software. Such a design could enable systems that monitor themselves for defects, that catch security violations as they occur, and optimize themselves over time. My lab has been exploring the use of both existing board level interconnect [perf-analysis] and novel technologies such as 3D-Integration [3dtherm] to add introspection hardware in the last stages of processor fabrication [introspect3d, introspect3dmicro]. Such support could allow both novel methods of generating execution profiles [multihash, quantify, rap, rapjournal] and, more interestingly, the tracking of ``fat'' information-flow tags to help analyze complex software systems [systomo, rangecache].
- Computing at the Whiteboard: When solving complex problems, exploring multiple designs, or even simply creating lists, nothing is more natural than quick sketches on a whiteboard. Software that can understand and react to these sketches in real time would enable written equations to be captured and solved, sketches of state machines to be executed and debugged, and biological systems to be diagrammed and simulated all at the same time. Performing computation on the whiteboard requires working with inputs that are inherently noisy, whose interpretations are ambiguous, in a space frequently shared for many separate purposes, all interactively with the user. While many pieces of the solution exist in isolation, a real roadblock to progress in the area is the lack of a unifying framework enabling composability, modularity, and multiple interpretations of the same data. My lab has developed an experimental framework with support for managing and coordinating shared resources (such as stroke data), scheduling communication (through stroke attributes), dynamically controlling the allocation and deallocation of application code, and regularizing the integration of sketch-based components through a minimal interface. We will soon demonstrate the first general purpose sketch recognition system capable of handling multiple, simultaneous applications [boardquant, boardworkshop, boarduist].
- Provable Security Properties for Embedded Systems: Systems responsible for controlling aircraft, protecting a bank's master secret keys, or regulating access to extremely sensitive commercial or military information, all demand a level of assurance far beyond the norm. Creating these systems today is an incredibly expensive operation both in terms of time and money; and even assessing the assurance of the resulting system can cost upwards of $10,000 per line of code. Building upon my groups experience developing novel security methods for FPGAs [rcsec1, rcsec-cs-journal, rcsec-dt-journal, rcsecmoats, rcsec-recon-journal, rcsec-todaes-journal], we have developed a novel method for building embedded systems that allow us to verify the integrity or secrecy of all information executing in that system. This includes safety from covert channels, information flows introduced during refinement, implicit flows, and even timing channels. The key to our approach is to verify properties of the both the hardware and the software down at the lowest level digital level of refinement -- at the individual Boolean logic gates. Specifically we developed a new logic discipline for security, {\it Gate-Level Information-Flow Tracking (GLIFT)} logic, and demonstrated its effectiveness by creating functional units, control logic, a new ISA, language, compiler, and fully synthesizable prototype CPU in this new logic [glift-cpu, glift-toppick, glift-lease].
- Program Phase Analysis: As a graduate student a major contribution of my thesis was SimPoint 1.0. SimPoint uses techniques from machine learning to surgically extract the regions of program execution that will quickly and accurately represent the behavior of the whole execution for the purposes of architecture simulation [largescale]. At the time it was not uncommon for papers and even graduate text books to use the first billion instructions of execution to represent the whole program, which we showed can lead to order-of-magnitude errors. Over the years we further refined the technique [bbda, cophase, phase6, phasebook, phasemicro, waveletphase], we examined its machine learning implications [simpointjmlr], and we demonstrated a hardware-assisted online phase-tracking method that allows processors to adapt to long-term program behaviors [phasetaco, phasetrack, phaseprof]. Most major microprocessor companies now use SimPoint or a derivative to guide their architectural studies.