CXX=clang++ # CXX=g++ # We have -Wno-unused-parameter so that the compiler # doesn't complain too much about our stubs. CXXFLAGS=-std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-private-field # Change to this before final submission: # CXXFLAGS=-std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -Werror # Note that you should not use `-Wall` and `-Werror` together in production-grade code. # Because, when switching compilers, you may get additional warnings which would turn into errors. BINARIES=testStudent1 testStudent2 testStudent3 all: ${BINARIES} tests: ${BINARIES} ./testStudent1 ./testStudent2 ./testStudent3 testStudent1: testStudent1.o Student.o tddFuncs.o ${CXX} $^ -o $@ testStudent2: testStudent2.o Student.o tddFuncs.o ${CXX} $^ -o $@ testStudent3: testStudent3.o Student.o tddFuncs.o ${CXX} $^ -o $@ clean: /bin/rm -f ${BINARIES} *.o